Buckle up for 2025 – it may be a bumpy ride.
At this time of year I often reach out to friends and clients to see if they’d like me to do a reading for their coming year. These twelve month readings are an interesting way to start planning your coming year. Looking back on last years readings I have had some great messages from clients. One said, ‘You’ve turned my life around. I went into this year feel confused and vulnerable. Now I feel vulnerable and confused.” While not ideal, I did think it worth sharing. The fact is we’re going into a very uncertain period. In a general reading I did today I found some level of optimism for the year ahead. In all such readings I think they make more sense when we consider the context. We’re about to go into what will be an election year here in Canada. We’re also looking at a new regime to the south. I can barely bring myself to use the word ‘President’ for the former rapist – but there you have it. I just can’t have any respect for that individual. It’s important to consider though that this time of year is a time when we can be optimistic. Many new things are starting, as reflected in this reading. We’re also likely to see the rejection of some old ideas. Here’s my interpretation of this reading. I’d be interested in hearing your own interpretations if you wish to share them. Wrapping things up for 2024 is going to take a bit of work. This has not been an easy year for any of us, and there’s a lot of things to do to clear the decks for as we enter the new year. However We’re well advised to put the trials and tribulations of 2024 behind us, as we are reminded by the ten of wands. However as we do discard the trials and tribulations of the past twelve months we should prepare ourselves anew for new circumstances, new adventures and new connections. The page is all about enthusiasm, inspiration and a willingness to explore new ideas. And this is our companion as we enter the coming months. We are reminded that change is positive. This is how growth happens. However, let’s not be naïve here. We should also be aware there’s plenty of change coming, as reflected in The Tower. This is at a general level. We have political shifts ahead, and also changes in peoples mind set about many things. Some of these changes may take a little getting used to. That’s ok, but we should be aware and prepared. As we look to the four of wands we are reminded of the importance of facing change with our friends and our community. These are networks that hold us together and bring us support. This is a time to put old grudges behind us and find connection with those who are important to us. The prevalence of wands in this short reading reminds us that this is a period in which our creativity serves us. Doing all we can to foster this will help make this a landmark year. Pursuing your passion and embracing your creativity will help you in the coming months. I will be continuing our monthly tarot group meetings. These are generally held on the last Thursday of each month. I will be travelling toward the end of January so we’ll hold that one at 7 pm on 23rd of January. If you’d like to join this group for the two hour group session please let me know by email and I will add you. I have reduced the price for these workshops to $30 for the evening. If you’ve not been to these, they are a two hour session in which we delve into a few aspects of tarot and do some readings. It’s very informal and a lot of fun. There’s also usually some tea, a glass of wine often appears and there’s a very friendly atmosphere. Space is limited, so let me know if you’re coming along as soon as you can. I am always happy to welcome new members of the group. For those who are interested, I revisited some old readings recently. This one on Tiktok was curious. I am very hesitant to give advice around investments, however in this one I suggested it may be time to buy gold. https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktok_dailytarot/video/7158678941987785990 At the time gold was $1666 per ounce. I recommended buying a gold coin. If you’d bought a Krugerrand or Maple leaf at that price today it would be worth $2697. A nice little profit. It makes the price of a reading seem quite good value, doesn’t it? If you’d like an end of year reading email me and I will provide it by email. The price for this is $45 payable by EFT. I generally do these by midnight on December 31st, so if you’re interested in having this reading be sure to let me know as soon as you can. If you’re not already a member of my Patreon you can join for just $5 a month and there’s a wealth of interesting content there around both hypnosis and tarot. Not forgetting the story – The Black Bag. https://www.patreon.com/posts/black-bag-part-1-98654073 I hope you’ve had a great Solstice, Christmas season, and let’s embrace this New Year with optimism and resilience. I think we may need it. Rob |